How much is delivery?

Starting at 1.49 € for European and 14.80 € for international destinations. You can find more information about the delivery costs below

Do you offer free delivery?

Yes, we do!

Your order will be shipped free of charge if it meets the required shopping cart minimum.

To be eligible for free delivery, your shopping cart value must be over 35.00 € for European destinations*.

*Some destinations require a higher shopping cart value for free delivery to be applied.

When will I receive my order?

Delivery time depends on the shipping destination. The estimated delivery time for destinations in Europe are 2-8 working days and 7-14 working days for international destinations.

Due to customs processes, the delivery may take longer for international shipments. To avoid this, make sure to follow the tracking information updates.

How do I track my order?

We'll send you a tracking link to your email, once your order is sent out. It may take up to 2 working days for the tracking information to update. If you still don't see it, send us an email to

Are there any additional shipping fees?

Delivery to international destinations may incur customs fees and duties. At this time, such fees should be covered on your side. The amount of these fees may vary based on the destination country.

What can I do if I provided the wrong shipping address?

First and foremost, please make sure that the shipping address you've provided is accurate.

However, if you made a mistake the courier will contact you if the shipping address is inaccurate. If it is not possible to reach you the order may be returned back to us.

If your order hasn't shipped just yet, send us a message to and we'll see if we can still update the shipping address for you.

What happens when my order is lost in transit?

We'll re-ship or refund the order for you. To prevent any possible errors, we'll ask you to confirm your shipping address.

Who will deliver my order?

For the majority of our European shipments, we rely on DPD as our preferred courier service, while DHL handles our international deliveries. On occasion, your package may be transferred to a specialized local delivery service to ensure the most efficient delivery. For our customers in the Baltic region who prefer parcel machine deliveries, we exclusively partner with various pick-up points to provide a dependable and efficient service. Our parcel locker options are:

  • Omniva 
  • DPD
  • Latvijas Pasts Express 
  • Itella
  • Unisend
  • Venipak

Delivery costs and estimates

We currently don't ship to Belarus, Egypt, Mexico, New Caledonia, Russia, Turkey.

Collapsible tabs


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €10.00

• Estimated delivery time: 5-6 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 5-8 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €22.50

• Estimated delivery time: 2-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €69.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 4-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €2.10

• Estimated delivery time: 1-2 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend

Parcel locker options:

  • Omniva from €3.99
  • DPD from €2.99
  • Latvijas Pasts Express from €2.10
  • Itella from €3.89
  • Unisend from €2.10
  • Venipak from €3.64

• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 2-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 2-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €8.50

• Estimated delivery time: 3-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €10.00

• Estimated delivery time: 4-8 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €1.49

• Estimated delivery time: 1 working day

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend

Parcel locker options:

  • Omniva from €2.29
  • DPD from €1.99
  • Latvijas Pasts Express from €2.09
  • Itella from €1.89
  • Unisend from €1.85
  • Venipak from €1.49

• Tracked delivery cost: from €2.10

• Estimated delivery time: 1-2 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend

Parcel locker options:

  • Omniva from €3.99
  • DPD from €2.99
  • Latvijas Pasts Express from €2.10
  • Itella from €3.89
  • Unisend from €2.10
  • Venipak from €3.03

• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €22.50

• Estimated delivery time: 2-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €69.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €34.60

• Estimated delivery time: 2-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €99.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €4.50

• Estimated delivery time: 2-4 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €10.00

• Estimated delivery time: 5-7 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €10.00

• Estimated delivery time: 5-7 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 3-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €8.50

• Estimated delivery time: 3-6 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €10.00

• Estimated delivery time: 5-8 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €7.00

• Estimated delivery time: 2-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €35.00 spend


• Tracked delivery cost: from €14.80

• Free delivery: on €49.00 spend

Shipments of goods with a value in excess of EUR 150, the Ukrainian buyer will have to pay customs clearance costs and fees in regards of UA legislation.

United Kingdom

• Tracked delivery cost: from €17.80

• Estimated delivery time: 5-7 working days

• Free delivery: on €50.00 spend

Shipments of goods with a value in excess of GBP 135, the UK buyer will in principle be regarded as the importer. Import VAT applies at the UK border and is borne by the UK buyer


• Tracked delivery cost: from €34.60

• Estimated delivery time: 2-5 working days

• Free delivery: on €99.00 spend

Rest of the world

• Tracked delivery cost: from €44.30

• Estimated delivery time: 7-14 working days

• Free delivery: on €99.00 spend